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Home » Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Sermon: But Where is the Lamb

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Sermon: But Where is the Lamb

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Sermon But Where is the Lamb : We are happy to present to you this new sermon by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn titled “But Where is the Lamb” which is from the main sermon named  “The Mystery of the Lamb (Message 2384)]” .

    Be rest assured that it is a message you will love to listen to. The Rabbi who is a good Bible Teacher has also written many books which includes The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger and more. He has remained relentless devoted in his effort towards the spread of the gospel and soul winning for Christ.

    It is worthy of note that Jonathan Cahn has changed the lives of many people in and around the United States of America through his teachings and way of life.

    Watch and learn from this sermon by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn “But Where is the Lamb” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

    Credit: Jonathan Cahn YouTube /