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Powerful Prayers For Adulterous Husband

    We recognize how difficult it can be to remain faithful in marriage. At times, adultery is a result of being human and therefore doing what is wrong, but God will always forgive if we ask Him. We have compiled a list of prayers for you to use when you feel as though your husband has begun to stray away from your marriage through lust or unfaithfulness.

    Powerful Prayers For Adulterous Husband

    1. Prayers for Adulterous Husband

    A Prayer for an Unfaithful Husband:


    I come before You today asking for Your mercy for my husband. He has sinned against me and our marriage and I am heartbroken. Please, Lord, show him the error of his ways and bring him back to me. Amen!

    A Prayer For an Adulterous Husband:

    Father God, I come to you in prayer today asking that you protect my marriage from any further infidelity. Please forgive me father if any part of this is because of my own faults; however please also grant me the strength to forgive others who hurt us so deeply with their unfaithfulness as well as forgiveness towards those who have hurt us through their actions or words intentionally or unintentionally….

    2. The first prayer reflects that adultery is a sin against God and how we can ask for His forgiveness, the second prayer acknowledges that the temptation towards lust and disloyalty exists, but that through the strength of Jesus Christ we can find freedom.

    The first prayer reflects that adultery is a sin against God and how we can ask for His forgiveness, the second prayer acknowledges that the temptation towards lust and disloyalty exists, but that through the strength of Jesus Christ we can find freedom.

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    • **Forgiveness Prayer:**

    Dear God, please forgive me for my sins today. I repent of all things evil that I have done or allowed in my life; especially all acts of adultery committed by myself or others who bear responsibility in this matter. Show us Your mercy by helping us to overcome this sin so we can be free from its power over us!

    3. The third short prayer asks for help to be faithful and honorable in your marriage, while the last one is a simple prayer asking God to guide you along the right path.

    • Prayer For Strength and Guidance
    • Prayer For Forgiveness
    • Prayer for Guidance
    • Prayer For Healing (Your Marriage)

    4. These prayers will help you reconcile with God and get your husband back.

    Prayer is a way for you to communicate with God and ask for help. Prayers are also a way to express gratitude and thankfulness, as well as love and forgiveness. The end goal of prayer is always reconciliation with God and getting your husband back.

    These prayers will help you reconcile with God and get your husband back.


    Hopefully, these prayers will help you get your husband back.

    I hope that this article has helped you to find the words for what you have been struggling to say through this painful time. You might also like to look at our section on encouraging quotes for infidelity or visit our collection of prayers for difficult times.

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