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Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon : The God Who Opens Doors

    Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon : The God Who Opens Doors : We are called upon to listen to this Pastor Joel Osteen’s latest message titled ”The God Who Opens Doors”. Be rest assured that this sermon by Joel Osteen is worth your time and attention as it contains a lot of life changing and inspiring message that you cannot afford to miss.

    Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood church said, God is about to unlock closed doors in your life. Get ready to step into a new level of your destiny!

    Don’t fight the pressure; embrace it. Use it as fuel to go further, to believe bigger, to trust that God is in control.

    Chains are breaking, doors are opening. You’re coming out of generational curses, generational limitations, generational struggles, and into generational blessings. You couldn’t make this happen; it’s the Most High God, it’s your Doorkeeper doing what only He can do.

    When it’s your time, the Most High God will break the chains. He’s about to unlock some doors. You’re about to walk into what you’ve been shut out of: promotion, healing, freedom, the right people.

    Quit being discouraged because something didn’t work out the way you wanted. Don’t live frustrated because somebody left that you wanted to stay, a door closed that you wanted open. God knows what He’s doing. He has your best interest at heart.

    Kindly watch and learn from this sermon by Joel Osteen and be filled with the joy thaty comes from God’s words.

    Watch Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon : The God Who Opens Doors

    Video credit : Joel Osteen Youtube


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