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Joel Osteen Sermon : If You Only Knew

    Joel Osteen Sermon If You Only Knew : The lead pastor of Lakewood Church, Pastor Joel Osteen has come through with this amazing and life changing sermon titled ”If You Only Knew” and it is a sermon highly recommended for our spiritual growth and development.

    Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Joel Osteen said, God knows how to redeem everything you’ve been through. There are no limits to where He plans to take you.

    Joel Osteen Quotes on this sermon ”If you only knew”

    Sometimes He has to close a door so that He can open a bigger door. He’ll move a person out of your life because they’re limiting your growth. What looks like a disappointment is really the hand of God ordering your steps.

    If you only knew how He’s going to vindicate you, heal you, promote you, then you would trust Him while you don’t understand. Stay in faith when it doesn’t make sense.

    Sometimes He has to close a door so that He can open a bigger door. He’ll move a person out of your life because they’re limiting your growth. What looks like a disappointment is really the hand of God ordering your steps.

    His calling is still on your life; the assignment He has for you didn’t get canceled because you took a detour. He’s still going to honor you. You’re still going to see dreams come to pass.

    If you only knew what God was up to, you wouldn’t live upset. If you only knew how He’s going to connect the dots in your life, how all things are going to work for your good, you’d get your passion back.

    Summary of the sermon by Joel Osteen ”If You Only Knew”

    1. Embracing Your True Identity: Many of us walk through life unaware of the incredible potential that lies within us. We are often plagued by self-doubt, insecurities, and the fear of failure. But, my friends, if you only knew who you truly are, you would realize that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving Creator. You are unique, gifted, and capable of achieving greatness. When you understand and embrace your true identity as a child of God, you can step into your purpose and make a positive impact on the world around you.
    2. The Power of Your Words: If you only knew the power that lies within your words, you would choose them carefully. Our words have the ability to shape our reality and influence the lives of those around us. Every word spoken carries energy that can either build up or tear down. By speaking words of faith, encouragement, and love, we can create an atmosphere of positivity and transformation. Let us use our tongues to speak life into our circumstances and uplift others on their journey.
    3. Embracing a Mindset of Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful force that can transform our lives from the inside out. When we shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, we open ourselves up to receive more blessings. If you only knew the abundance that surrounds you, you would cultivate a mindset of gratitude. Expressing gratitude for the present moment, for the people in your life, and for the opportunities that come your way will unlock a deeper sense of joy and contentment.
    4. Walking in Faith, Not Fear: Fear has a way of holding us back from reaching our full potential. It whispers lies, creates doubts, and keeps us stagnant. However, if you only knew that fear is merely false evidence appearing real, you would choose to walk in faith instead. Faith allows us to step beyond our comfort zones and embrace new possibilities. It is the belief that God has a purpose for our lives and that He will guide us through every challenge we face. When we choose faith over fear, miracles can happen.

    Conclusion: My dear friends, if you only knew the incredible potential that lies within you, the power of your words, the transformational force of gratitude, and the freedom found in walking by faith, you would never settle for mediocrity. Embrace the truth of who you are and step into the destiny that awaits you. Trust in God’s plan, knowing that He has equipped you with everything you need to live a purposeful and fulfilling life. May you leave here today with a renewed sense of hope and the knowledge that you are destined for greatness.

    Kindly watch, meditate and learn from this sermon by Joel Osteen ”If you only knew” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Watch Joel Osteen Sermon ”If you only knew”

    Video credit : Joel Osteen Youtube


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