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Home » Jerry Savelle daily devotional October 13, 2021 – PERFECT PEACE

Jerry Savelle daily devotional October 13, 2021 – PERFECT PEACE

    Jerry Savelle daily devotional October 13 2021  Perfect peace – Pastor Jerry Savelle is a man that loves and enjoys the spread of the Gospel of Christ.

    The dedicated and devoted senior pastor of the Heritage of Faith Christian Center, Pastor Jerry Savelle in his relentless effort in soul winning for Christ ensures the gospel is spread across the globe through his daily sermons online, daily devotional and Heritage of Faith Christian Center Live Sunday service.

    Below is pastor Jerry Savelle devotional today 11 October 2021 as contained in his official website ( for our consumption and spiritual growth.


    “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3).

    You will notice that God has given us a promise, but we must meet His condition. The promise is: He will keep you in perfect peace. The condition is, if your mind is stayed on Him. The mind plays a vital part in you walking in perfect peace no matter your circumstances.

    I’m not talking about mind power. I am talking about the power of God’s Word working in a faith-filled heart and a renewed mind.

    As you renew your mind to God’s Word and fill your heart with faith, you will begin to approach every situation in your life without worry or fear.

    “And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well” (Luke 12:29 & 31, NIV).

    Your mind can not be full of negative voices, worry, or fear when you keep your mind on God. It is a choice you have to make, regardless of your feelings. Put God first place in all you do and think and you will walk in perfect peace.

    Confession: I will keep my mind on God and full of His Word. I refuse to allow worry or fear to be a part of my life. I trust You Lord and follow after You above anything else.

    Credit for Jerry Savelle daily devotional 13 October 2021 – Jerrysavelle.Org

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