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Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon : The Breastplate of Righteousness

    Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon : The Breastplate of Righteousness : The lead pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, Dr. David Jeremiah has come through with this inspiring sermon themed ”The Breastplate of Righteousness”.

    This is a sermon highly recommended for our spiritual growth and developement.

    Preaching on this sermon, Dr. David Jeremiah said, Have you ever thought of your lifestyle as a piece of protective armor? That’s exactly what it is for Christians whose lives reflect their love for Christ! Dr. David Jeremiah considers how righteous living can protect you from the enemy’s attacks.

    Don’t change who you are for someone that isn’t going to be for you no matter what you do. It’s not about you. You don’t have time to deal with every negative comment and every person that doesn’t like you or understand you.

    God is about to make some things beautiful in your life. Whether you made the mistakes or life threw you some curves at no fault of your own—bad breaks, disappointments—God saw it. Your time is coming. He didn’t bring you this far to leave you.

    Life makes a lot of withdrawals. Don’t make the mistake of living overdrawn. If you go into a new week at a deficit, that’s when you get overwhelmed, frustrated. You’re not as productive; your gifts aren’t coming out like they should.

    People will take as much as you give them. When you’re run down, emotionally drained, and physically worn out, that’s not just doing you a disservice, it’s doing your family, and those around you, a disservice. Not only that; it’s not healthy.

    Kindly watch and learn from this inspiring sermon by Dr. David Jeremiah and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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