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Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional December 1 2023.

    The theme for today’s devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah is ”A Happy Nation.”

    Scripture: But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. -1 Peter 2:9.

    Finland has been ranked the happiest nation in the world for six years in a row by the World Happiness Report.1 But is it really? What about those whom the Bible calls “a chosen generation…a holy nation, His own special people”?

    Our happiness and joy come from our relationship with God through Christ. He has provided for all of our needs, reassured us in all our fears, and guided us in all our ways. He has solved the problem of death, and He has told us about our eternal home. He has reserved eternity for us!

    Jesus always loves you. He loved you so much He gave His life for you and is now preparing a place for you to live with Him forever. You’re part of the holiest and happiest nation on earth! Let’s proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.

    [God] loves us all with a mighty love that has no beginning and can have no end.
    A.W. Tozer

    Credit: Turning Point Ministries

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