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David Oyedepo – DOMI INC MIDWEEK SERVICE Live Stream

    DOMI INC MIDWEEK SERVICE Live Stream David Oyedepo – Simplicity is of God but man is a complex being. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and every other thing will be added”, this is the simple instruction God has given us, however, some people keep saying it doesn’t work, they have tried, but we are not supposed to try the lord our God.

    Also no one who trusts in the lord can be put to shame. Have faith when you are seeking the kingdom of God, unless it will be frustrating. It is the responsibility of every believer to win souls for the Lord and the kingdom of heaven. Every child of God is given a ministry of reconciliation and has been given the word of reconciliation to bring the world back to God.

    Soul winning involves warfare, because we have to take those souls from the devil and he will not willingly return. It is the will of God for all men to be saved therefore, we are engaging in the spiritual warfare that has an already established conclusion, which is victory at the end.

    When we engage in spiritual warfare for their souls, God hears us with speed; every single soul whose salvation you pray for will be saved speedily. Satan is all out against the salvation of souls and we have to be all out to rescue them. The war of salvation cannot be won by Satan, just like he lost the battle against the angles in heaven, hence let’s join hands in fighting the already won war. There is no single person that we take to God in prayers that will not be saved.



    Matthew 6 vs. 33

    Psalm 125 vs. 1

    Habakkuk 2:4

    Jon 15 vs.16

    Corinthians 5 vs. 17-20

    1st timothy 2:4

    2nd Corinthians 4:4

    Revelation 12 vs. 7-11


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