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Home » David Jeremiah Daily Devotional April 11, 2024

David Jeremiah Daily Devotional April 11, 2024

    The theme for today’s David Jeremiah Daily Devotional April 11, 2024 is ”Divine Insulation”  and it is an inspiring message that is highly recommended for our today’s spiritual growth and development.

    As you read today’s daily devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Read David Jeremiah Daily Devotional April 11, 2024

    Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
    2 Corinthians 10:5

    Recommended Reading: John 14:27

    Have you ever experienced a surge of anxiety that felt like an electric shock running through your emotions as if you were being electrocuted inwardly? Psychologists tell us anxiety can feel like electrical charges flying though our bodies and minds. One anxious person described a panic attack that felt “as if electricity ran from my lower stomach down to my knee.”

    We need to wrap the sheathing of God’s promises around our minds and allow the Bible to insulate us from this pain. The power of Scripture can cast down anxious thoughts, bringing every aspect of our emotions and minds into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

    Find and claim the promises of God, being constantly in prayer for the peace of God that can and will overcome your high voltage thoughts of worry, anxiety, envy, hatred, unrest, and confusion. Picture the Lord wrapping you in the insulation of His promises, His peace, and His very presence.

    Until you actually possess true peace with God, no one can describe its wonders to you.
    Billy Graham.

    Credit: Turning Point Ministries

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