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Chrystal Evans Hurst Biography, Age, Net Worth, Husband, Children, Family,


    Chrystal Evans Hurst is a writer, speaker, and worship leader . She was born on the 7th July 1972 in Dallas Texas by the famous preacher Tony Evans and Lois Evans Oak Cliff bible fellowship

    Chrystal Evans Hurst


    Chrystal Evans Hurst was born to her parents Tony and Lois Evans on the 7th day of July 1972. Accordingly as of 2021 being the year of writing this article, Chrystal Evans Hurst is 49 years old. Crystal Evans celebrates her birthday on the 7th day of July every year. Suffice to add that Crystal Evan Hurst birthday remains a very special day in her life as she takes that day out to celebrate with family, friends and well wishers.

    Chrystal Evans Hurst is a wife, mother of five, motivational speaker, renowned writer /best selling author and a worship leader. She is the eldest child of Dr. Tony Evans.


    Chrystal Evans Hurst is happily married to her husband Jessie Hurst.

    Chrystal Evans Hurst husband Jessie Hurst got married to her about a decade ago and they have been blessed with 3 children (3 sons) in addition to the two daughter, one from each other’s previous relationship.

    Chrystal Evans Hurst husband


    Chrystal Evans Hurst  has 3 siblings namely Priscilla Shirer, Jonathan Evans, Anthony Evans. Priscilla Shirer is an author,  motivational speaker and an actress who has featured in many faith based movies like ”War room” and ”overcomer”.

    Chrystal Evans Hurst brother Jonathan Evans is a former NFL player now a chaplain for the Dallas Cowboy. 

    Anthony Evans,  Chrystal Evans Hurst younger brother is a Christian singer and actor. He has released several albums and featured in many movies.

    Chrystal Evans Hurst career

    What does Chrystal Evans Hurst do for a living?

    Chrystal Evans Hurst is a renowned writer /best selling author who has written a lot of inspiring, life changing and impactful books including Kingdom woman who she co-authored with her father Tony Evans  in 2013. 

    In 2013, Chrystal Evans Hurst commenced the work of speaking in different places aimed towards encouraging people particularly women to live the best of their lives.

    It should also be noted that Chrystal Evans Hurst started her career working for many years as her father’s assistant  at Oak Cliff Bible ministry but now together with the mother Lois Evans, lead women ministry in Oak Cliff Bible ministry.

    In addition to writing and working in the father’s ministry, Chrystal Evans Hurst manages a website, blog and podcast. 

    One of the notable painful events in Chrystal’s life is the unexpected loss of her cousin Wynter Evan Pitt, the mother of Alena Pitt who featured in the movie ”war room”.


    Some books written by Chrystal Evans are:

    • She’s Still There: Rescuing The Girl In You, 2017
    • The 28-Day Prayer Journey: A Daily Guide To Conversations With God, 2020
    • Show Up For Your Life: What The Girl You’ll Be Tomorrow Wants You To Know Today, 2019


    Frequently asked questions and answer about Chrystal Evans Hurst

    Who is Chrystal Evans Hurst Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship?

    As a member of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Chrystal assists her mom in leading the women’s ministry and loves to encourage women toward a deeper relationship with the Lord. Chrystal has recently co-authored a book, Kingdom Woman, with her dad

    What does Chrystal Evans Hurst believe in the Bible?

    She firmly believes God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans that I have for you…” and she desires to help other women believe and apply that truth to their lives. Find Bible teaching, practical instruction, and empowering “real talk” on Chrystal’s YouTube channel.

    How many kids does Chrystal Evans Hurst have?

    Chrystal and her husband, Jessie, have five children. Learn more about Chrystal at her website,

    What kind of book is Chrystal Evans still there?

    Chrystal has written Show Up For Your Life and She’s Still There: Rescuing the Girl in You. She’s also co-authored a book, Kingdom Woman, with her dad, Dr. Tony Evans. You can find Chrystal writing on her blog — Chrystal’s Chronicles — where she poignantly reflects her thoughts about her faith and day-to-day experiences.


    Chrystal Evans Hurst Net Worth 

    Chrystal Evans Hurst Net worth is estimated at about  $600,000 – $700,000 as of 2021.

    Chrystal Evans Hurst Instagram


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