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Dr. David Jeremiah Question and Answers about Easter

    Why do Christians celebrate Easter?

    Easter celebrates the central event of Christianity, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sins of humanity, and His resurrection serves as proof of His divine nature and ultimate victory over death. Cause for celebration indeed!

    Why is it essential to keep Christ in Easter despite cultural shifts and changes in society?”

    It is important to keep Christ in Easter despite cultural shifts and changes in society because Easter is a reminder of how Christ died and rose again, defeating death and sin. We need to hold steadfastly to this foundation of the Christian faith. Celebrating without Christ is akin to failing to acknowledge our hope and faith in Christ, ultimately missing the message of Easter.

    “Is Easter a pagan holiday?

    Christmas and Easter have become traditions in America. These are special times in church when we share the Gospel and explain the true meaning of Christ’s birth and His resurrection. While some of the customs associated with Easter may have originated in pagan festivals, the holiday primarily focuses on the Christian celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.

    Are Christian Passover and Easter the same thing?”

    While Christian Passover and Easter are both celebrations of Jesus Christ’s resurrection and His fulfillment of the Jewish Passover, they are not the same. Christian Passover celebrates Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples where He established the sacrament of Communion. Easter celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead.

    What makes Good Friday “good”?

    It’s because we know that the story of Jesus doesn’t end on that rugged cross or in that borrowed tomb!


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