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Home » STOP RUSHING! God’s Timing is Always Perfect – Motivation

STOP RUSHING! God’s Timing is Always Perfect – Motivation

    STOP RUSHING God’s Timing is Always Perfect – Motivation

    I the lord will hasting it, in its appointed time.

    Its so hard to wait on the lord, its like seeing that something could be so great for you but God is asking you to wait but then you have doubts in your mind and start asking yourself if you should wait and why this can’t work for you right now, you begin to question God’s plans for you. However, if we can briefly stop to ask ourselves if we prefer our short sighted view on something or the advice of someone who sees the future.

    It could be an expectation of a promotion or marriage proposal but things aren’t going according to your plans, can we just choose to pray? Its often said that if you are constantly praying and taking active steps, you can’t be out of Gods will for your life, you will always be on time.

    At times things don’t just go as planned and then there will be a lot of wondering of what you did wrong and what you could have done right but whether or not the mistake came from you or who is at fault? When it so happens that the all-wise God seems to be slowing down the process of things and making you wait, who do you blame? The fact that it is God, doesn’t evacuate the possibilities of doubts, however we need to take a chill wait and listen.

    While waiting remember that the bible says the thought of God for us is of good and not of evil to give is an expected end. Since God’s word is infallible and he is concerned of every one of his children, who you are one, it simply means he will not let what will be beneficial to pass us by. When you journey patiently with God he will unveil the next step and the next decision and everything that follows.

    Let us always put our trust in God, because he knows best and wants the best for us even though we cannot see the whole picture we must keep in mind that God’s time is always the best and that if it has not happened, its not God’s time.

    Bible verse for this passage

    Isaiah 60 vs. 22


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