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Steven Furtick Sermon: It Can Be Better

    Steven Furtick Sermon It Can Be Better: Anything God does in our lives, all we have to do is go on our phones and find somebody who is “er” than us, better, richer, stronger, happier, thinner, ripped-er, cuter.  This is the one that’ll break your heart. You think your kids are smart, and then you get around some other kids, and you realize that your kids, by product of comparison, were better than their 3-year-old brother, but around the same age kids they might not be.


    It’s always this temptation. You don’t have to do anything but flip on a commercial, and they will be pulling you back to the land of “er.” It’s better. There are things in your life right now that you’re like, “It would be so much better if” Would it really? Are you sure?

    If I were famous, that would be amazing, I would be significant. if people knew my name” Oh, really? That would be better? You never saw a celebrity commit suicide?  Are you sure it would be better? Is that what better really is?  If I had this amount of money, I wouldn’t have any problems.” Are you sure about that?  You never met a miserable rich person? I can introduce you to a few.


    It’s not like this is new, it’s not like it’s only for the church here in Rome that is being persecuted for their faith. We are all drawn back to the land of “er,” of looking around and never feeling enough and comparing ourselves to things that were never meant to be our standard.


    The only standard worthy of your comparison is the full potential of Christ in you, the hope of glory we don’t even realize how good it already is. We are forgiven, set free, redeemed, breathing, clapping, walking, and talking examples of the miracle-working power of God! Your life is already better.


    You can already rejoice, you can give thanks right now for his goodness.  Don’t let the quest for better in your life make You miss the grace of God that is already present. It could always be better, but it already is.


    Look at what I deserved, and look at what he did. He did not treat me as my sins deserved, it’s already better. We should walk around saying that all week, it’s already better. We should declare it by faith on things I’m waiting for God to do.  It’s already better. Once you give up the hope that it can not be better, the only option is to go back, When the Devil starts speaking to you,  you lose all sense of where you really are in your life, You’re drifting now, You’re falling now, You forget how good grace is, because all you can think about is how bad you are. So he brings them all the way back.

    He rewinds it all the way back, and he says, Long ago, in various times, various ways, God spoke to our fathers through the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.

    Pastor Steven Furtick tells us that Jesus is better, and we are getting better through the power of the things that we endure, and we must refuse to go back, we must refuse to go back when what I have is better.


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