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Steven Furtick Sermon : A Lesson In Recognizing The Enemy

    Steven Furtick Sermon A Lesson In Recognizing The Enemy : Today, we present to you a new and inspiring sermon by the lead pastor of Elevation church, Pastor Steven Furtick titled ”A Lesson In Recognizing The Enemy”. Be rest assured that this is a sermon that you will enjoy listening to.

    In this powerful sermon, Pastor Steven Furtick imparts a crucial lesson on the importance of recognizing the enemy in our lives. As Christians, it is vital for us to have the discernment to identify Satan, the ultimate adversary. By doing so, we can resist his attempts to gain control over our lives and remain steadfast in our faith.

    Pastor Furtick emphasizes the significance of recognizing the enemy in order to avoid wasting our energy resisting the wrong things. Sometimes, we may find ourselves resisting silence, unaware that it is in those quiet moments that God speaks the loudest. We may also try to avoid awkward situations, not realizing that God often works through those uncomfortable moments. He purposefully creates those instances to test our faith and see how we respond.

    God’s nature includes an element of “awkwardness,” and He orchestrates situations that challenge us to trust Him fully. For instance, He might allow us to run out of provisions deliberately to observe our actions in those challenging circumstances. He may intentionally engage with individuals society deems disreputable to test our belief in His inclusive message for all.

    Pastor Furtick invites us to examine the devil’s true nature, stripped of the caricatured image we often associate with him. By understanding how the enemy operates, we can guard our minds and protect our souls from his insidious influence. Satan’s primary goal is to control our lives, and he achieves this by manipulating our emotions. Thus, we must be vigilant in managing our emotions, as they can either empower us or give the devil a foothold.

    The apostle Paul reminds us in his writings that we should not be ignorant of Satan’s tactics and strategies. By staying informed and aware, we can engage in spiritual battle armed with knowledge and discernment.

    Controlling our emotions is a challenging task, but we are not alone in this endeavor. Through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can gain the strength and wisdom needed to navigate our emotions effectively. It requires determination, reliance on the Holy Spirit, and a conscious effort to guard our hearts and minds.

    I encourage you to watch Pastor Steven Furtick’s sermon titled “A Lesson In Recognizing The Enemy” and immerse yourself in the profound insights he shares. At Elevation Church, we strive to bring you the latest transformative messages that can uplift and guide you on your spiritual journey.

    Watch Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon ” A Lesson In Recognizing The Enemy” Youtube

    Video Credit: Steven Furtick

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