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Slaves and Friends of Jesus Part 1A by John MacArthur

    Slaves and Friends of Jesus, Part 1A by John MacArthur

    Our relationship with Jesus is a strange one, he wants us to be his friend, but only if we can do everything he has asked us to do. It seems strange that Jesus Christ calls us his friends but he still gives is commands.

    Jesus christ loves us in a limitless manner; love is the reason for all the command Jesus has given us. Love is behind all the promises; love is behind all the warnings. Jesus shared his love with his disciples by lavishing on them the promise of peace, Eternal life, joy, answered prayers, assurance etc.

    He also stated that there is no greater love than one laying down his life for his friends. The lord has commanded us to love our neighbors and to love him too.

    Jesus in the book of Jude is called master and lord. The lordship of Christ is clearly declared through out the entire new testament, he is the absolute ruler, when we refer to Jesus as our lord we aren’t just saying he is the head or leader of our religion, its a slave talk, when we refer to Jesus as our lord we are saying he is our master with absolute power and absolute dominion over our lives. So why do we call him lord and not do the things he has commanded? we are supposed to be in charge of our life.


    Bible verse for this teaching

    John 15 vs. 12: 17



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