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Powerful Prayer For Pastor Steven Furtick, His Family And Ministry

    Prayer For Pastor Steven Furtick :

    Heavenly Father,

    We approach Your throne with gratitude and reverence, acknowledging the profound impact of Pastor Steven Furtick, his family, and his ministry. We come together in prayer, seeking Your continued guidance, anointing, and favor upon their lives and endeavors.

    Lord, we thank You for the dynamic and inspirational ministry of Pastor Steven Furtick. We recognize the powerful ways in which You have used him to speak truth, inspire faith, and lead countless individuals into a deeper relationship with You. Grant him a fresh outpouring of Your wisdom and revelation as he continues to shepherd Your people.

    Bless Pastor Steven Furtick’s family, O Lord. Surround them with Your love, protection, and unity. Strengthen the bonds between them, and grant them wisdom in their roles within the family structure. May their home be a sanctuary filled with Your peace and joy.

    Father, we lift up Pastor Steven Furtick’s ministry before You. May Elevation Church continue to be a beacon of hope, a place of transformation, and a catalyst for revival. Pour out Your Spirit upon every sermon, initiative, and outreach effort, that it may bear abundant fruit for Your kingdom.

    Guard Pastor Steven Furtick, his family, and his ministry from any schemes of the enemy. Protect them from spiritual attacks, and surround them with a hedge of divine protection. May they stand firm in the truth of Your Word, equipped with the full armor of God.

    Lord, we pray for a fresh anointing upon Pastor Steven Furtick. Empower him with Your Holy Spirit, filling him with courage, discernment, and a passionate zeal for Your purposes. May he continue to be a bold voice for Your kingdom, leading many to experience the transformative power of Your love.

    We declare Your promises of abundance, favor, and success over Pastor Steven Furtick, his family, and his ministry. May the seeds they plant in hearts around the world yield a rich harvest for Your glory. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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