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Home » Pope Francis Celebrates 86th Birthday (Honors 3 Charitable Givers)

Pope Francis Celebrates 86th Birthday (Honors 3 Charitable Givers)

    Pope Francis 86th Birthday 2022 : Pope Francis today 17th December 2022 marks his 86th birthday and this is his 10th birthday as a Pope.

    The Roman Catholic leader Pope Francis was born on December 17, 1936 (age 86 years in 2022), in  Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Pope Francis 86th Birthday 2022

    Celebratiing the 86th birthday, Pope Francis used the opportunity to reward 3 remarkable charity givers including a homeless man who gives other street dwellers part of the alms he receives.

    The pope honored 3 person with the prestigious Mother Teresa Prize as recognition of their unique charity. The nun, who died in 1997, worked among the poorest people in India and founded the Missionaries of Charity.

    List of those rewarded by Pope Francis on his 86th birthday

    Fr. Jallouf is a Franciscan priest who has spent his life serving the poor throughout Syria’s devastating civil war.

    Gian Piero is a homeless man who gives a portion of the alms he receives each day to those who are worse off than him.

    Mr. Pedrollo is a businessman from the Italian city of Verona who uses a large part of his business’ profits to help the poor in several African and Latin American nations, as well as in India, to build schools, wells, and healthcare facilities.

    Francis gave them the prize, a small globe of the world in a cube-shaped frame with an image of Mother Teresa holding a child, at a ceremony in the Vatican.

    At the ceremony, the pope kissed the homeless man’s hand, and one of the nuns of the order founded by Mother Teresa put a flower garland around the pope’s neck.

    At a separate audience, Rome seminarians presented him with cake. No other particular birthday celebrations were planned.

    Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Buenos Aires in 1936. Next March, he will mark the 10th anniversary of his election as head of the 1.3 billion-member Roman Catholic Church.

    Pope Francis

    Remarkable things to know about Pope Francis 

    The pope has remained in perfect health condition since 10 years ago he emerged the Pope until in 2021 when he had a surgery on his colon. The Pope is also presently having issue with his knees.

    The issue of Pope Francis’ planned retirement is only but a rumor. Even if the pope will retire, it is yet to be decided. At the moment, the Pope is still healthy and fully doing his job as the Pope.

    Since Pope Francis’ emergence as the Pope, he has not visited his home country Argentina.

    Pope Francis date of Birth




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