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Home » Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon: “Tangled”

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon: “Tangled”

    Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon Tangled  – The proud daughter of the famous preacher Bishop TD Jakes, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts in her effort to continue to contribute to the spiritual growth of people worldwide, has come through with this inspiring sermon titled “Tangled” at Shine Conference in St. Louis, MO. According to the young preacher, she said she wants to make sure she is in the same room with some women who are going to break some generational curses, some women who did not come to play with the devil. Going further, she said she  and her family have had their final battle with the devil . Explaining further, she stated that she believes that God is going to meet us in this place in a tremendous way and she cannot tell you how honored she is  to be in ST. Louis ministering for the first time. Sarah said that when we listen and hear from God, our lives automatically  change, we learn to forgive, we move forward and we are experience absolute  transformation. For your spiritual uplift, this sermon by Sarah jakes Roberts is a sermon you cannot afford to miss.

    Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts: “Tangled” and keep tuned with Allpastors website as we bring you the latest sermons from Pastors around the world .

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