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Pastor Joseph prince Message : See Victory In The Midst Of Your Difficulties

    Pastor Joseph prince Message : See Victory In The Midst Of Your Difficulties : Kindly listen to this inspiring and educative message by the senior pastor and founding member of New Creation Church Singapore, Pastor Joseph Prince titled ”See Victory In The Midst Of Your Difficulties”.

    Be rest assured that this is a message you need for your spiritual growth and upliftment.

    Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Joseph Prince said, Chains are breaking, doors are opening. You’re coming out of generational curses, generational limitations, generational struggles, and into generational blessings. You couldn’t make this happen; it’s the Most High God, it’s your Doorkeeper doing what only He can do.

    When it’s your time, the Most High God will break the chains. He’s about to unlock some doors. You’re about to walk into what you’ve been shut out of: promotion, healing, freedom, the right people.

    Watch Joseph Prince sermon below:

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