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Pastor Joseph Prince Daily Devotional January 4 2024

    Pastor Joseph Prince Daily Devotional January 4 2024 : The theme for today’s Joseph Prince daily grace January 4 2024 is ”Knowing His Name”

    Kindly feed your spirit this morning with this inspiring and life changimg message by Pastor Joseph Prince and as you do so, may God give you the grace to put his word into practice.

    Read Pastor Joseph Prince Daily Devotional January 4 2024 ”Knowing his name”

    “I will protect those who trust in my name.”

    Psalm 91:14 NLT

    Did you know that Jesus came to reveal only one name of God to us? Our Lord Jesus came to reveal the name “Father.”

    Father speaks of family and of closeness and intimacy. You can know God as Elyon, the Most High. As El Shaddai, God Almighty. As Yehovah, the Lord, the covenant-keeping God. As Elohim, mighty Creator of the heavens and the earth.

    Every name is so significant as each one reveals a wonderful aspect of our God. But when you know God as Father, all His virtues, attributes, and power work for you to set you on high and deliver you.

    Our Lord Jesus prayed, “Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are” (John 17:11). The Greek word for “keep” here is the word tereo, which means to attend to carefully, to take care of, to guard, to watch, and to preserve.

    What is the name through which you will be kept guarded and protected? FATHER. Beloved, I want you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have a heavenly Father who loves you, who gave up His all for you, and who is vigilantly watching over you!

    He is your Father. Your Daddy. Your Abba.

    That is the name by which He wants you to call Him. When my son, Justin, has a nightmare, he doesn’t call out, “Pastor Prince!” He just cries out, “Abba!” and I am there, ready to take on any monsters hiding under his bed.

    In the same way, you can have complete assurance that when you call upon your Father, He will answer you. You can have full confidence in your Father’s protection and deliverance for you and your family, not because of your love for Him, but because of His love for you.

    This devotional is adapted from the book The Prayer of Protection Devotional—Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly in Dangerous Times.

    Today’s word of inspiration January 4 2024

    People can’t override what God has ordained for you. Bad breaks, delays, detours, injustice can’t stop your destiny. God uses them to move you into your destiny.

    You’re not on your own. You and God are a majority. Nothing can stand against Him. What He has purposed for your life will come to pass. Now, get in agreement with God.

    God wants us to depend on Him. He wants us to see Him as the Source. Too often, we’re striving to make things happen, discouraged because it’s taking too long. God is saying, “Come to Me. Ask Me for help. Call on My name and acknowledge Me as your Source.”

    It’s not too late. You can still become all God has created you to be. When you’re in agreement with God, He’ll make things happen that you couldn’t make happen. He’ll open doors you couldn’t open. He’ll cause opportunity, good breaks, the right people to come looking for you.

    Check out this inspiring sermon by Pastor Joseph Prince

    Source: Joseph Prince Ministries

    Video credit: Joseph Prince Youtube

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