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Open Heaven Daily Devotional August 15 2023: From Darkness To Light I.

    The theme for Open Heaven Daily Devotional August 15 2023 is From Darkness To Light I.

    SCRIPTURE:“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” – John 9:5 (KJV)

    There are certain things in life that are very difficult to define. One of such things is light.

    If someone asks you, “What is light?”, you may simply say it is the opposite of darkness. However, to understand light, you need to understand what darkness stands for.

    Our case study for this series will be Bartimaeus – a blind man who met Jesus and the darkness in his life ended.

    When you look at Mark 10:46-52, you will see some of the things that darkness portrays and thus identify certain things hidden in light. For example, darkness equals sickness.

    If darkness signifies sickness, then light signifies healing which is embedded in Jesus Christ the Light of the world (Exodus 15:26).

    When you have a relationship with Jesus, sickness cannot continue to stay in your life. It is no news that darkness and the devil go hand in hand.

    When you look at Luke 13:11-17, you will see clearly that Jesus Christ called the spirit of infirmity an agent of the devil. Sickness and disease therefore have their origin in darkness.

    However, the light of God can see forces of darkness and deal with them completely. There was a brother who was going to the USA for further studies and he threw a party before his departure.

    In the middle of this party, an enemy came and planted something evil into his life. From the day he arrived in the USA, he began to feel a pain in his stomach.

    All kinds of tests were conducted to no avail, yet the pain intensified. He struggled for six years, taking all manner of drugs until he finished his studies.

    When he returned to Nigeria, he heard that we were having a programme at Ibadan and decided to travel all the way from Zaria. The devil did everything to stop him but he finally made it on the last day of the programme.

    During the last message, he sat down and as the word of God was coming forth, the light of God hit him and suddenly, he began to shout, “I am free” because the pain of more than six years had disappeared.

    I prophesy to you: It doesn’t matter how long you have been carrying that sickness or disease; my Daddy will chase it out today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

    Open Heaven 15 August 2023 PRAYER POINT:

    Father, please chase out every form of darkness in my life now, in Jesus’ name.

    Credit for today’s Open Heaven daily devotional August 15 2023: Open Heaven/

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