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Powerful Morning Prayer For Today, Wednesday July 12 2023

    Its a brand new and a special day made by the Lord, let us rejoice and be glad. Today, we are advised and called upon to start our day with God through prayer and bible reading. Declare God’s blessings upon your day and see the wonders of the Lord. As you kickstart your day with God today, may he go ahead of you to perfect all you have to do today. Your day shall be guided and ruled by the mercy, love and divine intervention of God.

    Join us on today’s morning prayer, bible reading and message and have a peaceful and fruitful day.

    Morning Prayer For Today Wednesday July 12 2023

    Dear Heavenly Father, on this beautiful Wednesday morning, we come before You with grateful hearts, acknowledging Your sovereignty and love. We thank You for the gift of a new day, for the breath in our lungs, and for the opportunity to seek You and grow in our faith.

    Lord, we surrender this day into Your hands, knowing that You have a purpose and plan for each of us. May Your will be done in our lives today, in accordance with Your perfect wisdom and guidance. Help us to align our thoughts, words, and actions with Your Word, that we may honor You in all we do.

    As we embark on this day, we ask for Your presence to be with us. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may be guided by Your wisdom, strength, and discernment. Grant us clarity of mind to make wise decisions and choose paths that bring glory to Your name.

    Lord, we lift up our needs and concerns before You. If there is any worry or anxiety weighing us down, we lay it at Your feet, trusting in Your unfailing love and faithfulness. Grant us peace that surpasses all understanding, and remind us that You are in control of every circumstance.

    Father, we also pray for those around us. Bless our families, friends, and loved ones with Your love and protection. Grant them health, strength, and joy as they go about their day. Use us as instruments of Your grace and compassion, that we may reflect Your love to everyone we encounter.

    As we engage in our daily tasks and responsibilities, help us to do everything as unto You. Whether at work, school, or in our homes, may we serve with diligence, integrity, and kindness. Open doors of opportunity for us to share Your Gospel and be a source of encouragement and hope to those around us.

    Lord, we thank You for the countless blessings You have bestowed upon us. Help us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, even in the midst of challenges. May we never take Your goodness for granted but continually offer praise and thanksgiving to You.

    Finally, Lord, we pray for spiritual growth and transformation. Use this day to deepen our relationship with You. Help us to meditate on Your Word, to seek Your face in prayer, and to listen to Your still, small voice. Mold us into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ, that we may shine Your light brightly in this world.

    We offer this prayer in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.”

    May this prayer help guide you in your morning devotions and draw you closer to God’s presence.

    Today’s Bible Reading and Message of Hope

    1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

    Message: Today, as you face various challenges and uncertainties, remember to place your trust in the Lord. Trust His wisdom and guidance more than your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in everything you do, seeking His direction and surrendering your plans to Him. As you rely on Him wholeheartedly, He will lead you on straight paths and provide the guidance you need.

    1. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

    Message: Take heart and be encouraged today, for you are not alone in your endeavors. In Christ, you have the strength to overcome obstacles, face difficulties, and accomplish great things. Remember that it is through His power and presence within you that you can do all things. Lean on Him, draw from His strength, and walk forward with confidence, knowing that you are empowered by the One who strengthens you.

    May these verses inspire and motivate you as you navigate through your day, reminding you of God’s faithfulness and empowering presence in your life.

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