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Home » Joyce Meyer daily devotional November 10 2021 – Believe God Is Leading You

Joyce Meyer daily devotional November 10 2021 – Believe God Is Leading You

    Joyce Meyer daily devotional November 10 2021 

    Theme : Believe God Is Leading You

    In my journey of learning how to hear from God, I realized that eventually we must simply believe He is leading and guiding us supernaturally. We ask Him to guide our steps and believe by faith that He is doing what we ask of Him.

    There are times when I hear a very clear word from God, but much of time I pray about my day and then go about it in faith. I may have nothing occur that day that seems supernatural or mystical. There are no visions, no voices, nothing out of the ordinary, but I know in my heart that God kept me safe and following the right path.

    God keeps us from many things that we never even know of. I wonder how often I could have been in an accident had I not prayed for God’s guidance that morning? How many terrible traffic jams I missed because I simply felt that I was to take a different route than the one I usually took?

    I want to strongly encourage you to pray—ask for God’s guidance and leadership, and then say throughout the day, “I believe I am being guided by God today and every day.” Psalm 139:2 (AMPC) says that God knows my downsitting and my uprising. If He knows each time we sit down or stand up, and took the time to tell us about it in His Word, then surely He sees and cares about everything else.

    Prayer Starter: Father, guide and direct my every thought and action today, and help me to believe that You are leading me in every direction I go today, in Jesus’ name, amen!


    Credit: Above is a short daily devotional by Joyce Meyer for today  November 10 2021 as contained in Joyce Meyer Ministries website ”

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