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Joel Osteen Sermon: Something New Is Coming

    Joel Osteen Sermons Something New Is Coming: Today Joel Osteen talks about the fact that something new is coming. It’s easy to get stuck in life, when we’ve gone through disappointments, had a setback, tried and our dream didn’t work out.

    We can settle where we are and think this is as good as it gets, but God said in Isaiah, I am doing a new thing, even now it springs forth, can you not perceive it?”

    God is about to do something new in your life. He didn’t create you to get stuck at one level and stay there; he has new opportunities, new relationships, and new favor. It may look like you’ll always struggle in your finances. No, get ready something new is coming.

    Promotion, opportunity, and doors opening that you never dreamed would open. The medical report says you have to live with that sickness; it’s been a long time. God is saying, “I’m doing a new thing. I’m restoring health. I’m breathing energy, vitality, and freshness into your body.

    That child has been off course for years. You’ve accepted that he’ll never change that would be true, but God is doing a new thing. Forces of darkness are being broken; purpose and destiny are rising up. You’re about to see a turn around. Maybe that addiction has hindered you your whole life, you have tried to stop, gone to counseling, and nothing helped, this is a new day.

    Chains that have held you back are being loosed, what has kept you in captivity is coming to an end. Now you have to do your part and receive the prophecy, you can’t go around thinking you’re stuck, the problem is too big, it’s been this way too long, turn it around.

    “Lord, I believe what you promised, thank you that you’re doing something new in my life.” When Isaiah prophesied this, the Israelites were in captivity in Babylon. They had been there a long time, year after year, nothing changing.

    they must have thought, “we’ll always struggle, we’ll always be oppressed.” but then Isaiah showed up and said, “get ready, God is doing a new thing.” they could have thought, “yeah right, have you seen these enemies, look how powerful they are? All the circumstances say We’re stuck, we’ll never live an abundant life, we’ll never own our own homes, our children will never be free.”

    Don’t talk yourself out of the new thing God wants to do. The odds may be against you but Pastor Joel Osteen wants us to know that the Most High God is for us. The Israelites had been through many struggles, had unfair things happen. They made mistakes, brought the trouble on themselves.

    They could have been sitting in self-pity, discouraged but Isaiah said, “forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. Behold, God is doing a new thing.” the principle is, if you’re dwelling on the past, you won’t see the new thing. if you’re focused on who hurt you and what wasn’t Fair, why did this friend walk away, then you’ll miss your destiny.

    God is saying, forget the former things, quit dwelling on your mistakes. This is a new day.



    Credit : Joel Osteen Youtube (

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