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Joel Osteen Sermon: Unconditional Trust

    Joel Osteen Sermon Unconditional Trust : The  lead pastor of Lakewood Church and the founder of Joel Osteeen Ministries, Pastor Joel Osteen has shared this insighful and inspiring sermon titled ” Unconditional Trust”. Be rest assured that this is a sermon filled with life useful lessons that you would love to listen to.

    Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Joel Osteen said, Don’t let your faith in what God promised waver because of your circumstances. If you’ll trust Him even when you don’t understand, you’ll see Him work things out in your favor!

    God has ways we’ve never thought of. His plan for your life is better than your own. What we think is the best, many times, is far less than what God has in mind.

    When you learn to change your name back to who you were created to be, all the forces of darkness cannot stop you. You’re a son of strength, a daughter of destiny, equipped and empowered, talented and created, surrounded by God’s favor.

    God is shaking things up to move you out of good and into the best. If He didn’t close those doors, you wouldn’t see the fullness of your destiny.

    Watch/listen to and learn from this Joel Osteen Sermon ”Unconditional Trust ” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and strengthen you to live according to his words.

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    Watch Joel Osteen Sermon ”Unconditional Trust”

    Video credit : Joel Osteen Youtube


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