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Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals August 17 2022 : Aim for Excellence

    Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals August 17 2022 :

    Today’s Scripture

    Philippians 1:9–10, ESV
    …that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ…

    Today’s Word

    For many people, mediocrity is the norm; they do as little as they possibly can to just get by. But God has called us to be His representatives, to be people of excellence and integrity. How you live, how you conduct your business and do your work, is all a reflection on our God. Any hint of compromise or mediocrity will taint our greatest victories or our grandest achievements as well as keep us from God’s best.

    When you have an excellent spirit, it shows up in the quality of everything you do and the attitude with which you do it. The Scripture says that whatever you do, you should give your best effort and do it as if you are doing it for God. You go the extra mile to do what’s right, and anything less will cause you to be unhappy. You keep your word even when it’s difficult. You give your employer a full day’s work and don’t call in sick when you’re not. Start aiming for excellence in everything you do.

    Prayer for Today

    Father, thank You for calling me to live a life of excellence and integrity and for the privilege of representing You to my loved ones and friends. Thank You that I can dedicate every area of my life to You and always be my best. I want excellence to flow out of my heart of love for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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    Credit for today’s word by Joel Osteen August 17 2022 : Joel Osteen Ministries/

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