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Home » Joel Osteen Daily Devotional June 28 2024

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional June 28 2024

    The theme for Pastor Joel Osteen’s daily devotional for today is ”Don’t Cover It Up”.

    Kindly soare few minutes of your time to read and meditate on today’s message by Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood church.

    Today’s Scripture

    When I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away, and I groaned all day long.

    Psalm 32:3, NLT

    Today’s Word

    In today’s Scripture, David is talking about what happened to his health during the year that followed his adulterous affair with Bathsheba and the killing of her husband to cover it up. He lied to himself about what he’d done, buried the guilt and shame, and pretended that nothing was wrong. But the problem with burying negative toxins is they make your soul unhealthy and eventually come back up and poison your physical health as well. In Psalm 51, David finally got honest and said, “God, forgive and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a clean heart.” The beauty of our God is that He’s merciful. He forgave David, restored his soul, and gave him his health back.

    Don’t let guilt and condemnation from something that you’ve done wrong in the past keep your soul unhealthy, hold you back, or weaken you physically. Get honest with yourself and get the toxins out. Go to God as David did and ask Him to forgive you, to cleanse your heart, to restore your soul and your health. Receive His mercy.

    Prayer For Today

    “Father, thank You that I can receive Your forgiveness and have a clean heart today. Thank You that I can be honest about any sin and any mistake and get the toxins of guilt and bitterness out of my soul. Help me to walk in the joy of my salvation and in the fullness of health. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

    Today’s Message:

    We see it as just another ordinary day, but the fact is there are no ordinary days. Each day is a gift from God. He could have chosen anyone to be alive at this time, but He chose you.

    If you don’t learn to say no to some things, then nothing will change. Because the people that are counting on you to perform will always be there. They may not like it, but your health, your emotional well-being is more important than keeping everyone happy.

    It’s the simple things in life that bring us the most joy. You may not have a lot of resources, but if you have family, you’re blessed. If you have your health, you’re blessed. If you can look up at the stars at night, you’re blessed.

    Are you going to let an excuse keep you from your greatness? Or are you going to get back up, knowing that God is on the throne and He has good plans for you?

    If you’re giving all the time and never filling back up, you’re going to be depleted. You’re good to others; why don’t you be good to you? You’re kind to others, be kind to yourself. Be generous to yourself, be loving to yourself.

    God never left you. He’s been right by your side. That’s how you made it through. My questions are not, “Was it unfair? Did they do you wrong? Were you left out?” We all agree that it wasn’t right that you got knocked down. My question is, “Are you getting back up?”

    Credit: and Joel Osteen X Handle

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