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    Theme For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional February 27 2022 – “Do You Want to Get Well?”

    Today’s Scripture

    John 5:6, NIV
    When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

    Today’s Word

    In today’s Scripture, Jesus’ question to the disabled man lying by the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem seemed obvious–everyone around that pool was there to be healed of something. Jesus’ question tells us there was nothing in this man’s behavior or attitude that said he wanted to get well, nothing that said, “I’m expecting things to change.” Rather than saying, “Yes, that’s what I’m believing for,” he made excuses and tried to justify his condition. Mercifully, even though he had gotten comfortable in his dysfunction, Jesus healed him.

    If you’ve had bad breaks and gone through unfair situations, it’s easy to live negatively, but that’s only going to cause you to get stuck by the pool. Don’t have a victim mentality; have a victor mentality. No person, no bad break, no addiction, and no sickness has the power to keep you from your destiny. Tell the self-pity, tell the excuses, tell the doubts, “It is finished.” This is a new day. God is about to do a new thing.

    Prayer for Today

    Father, thank You that this is a new day and that right now You are about to do a new thing in my life. Thank You that You have a way to break through the negative things that keep me stuck. I’m dropping the excuses and looking for new beginnings today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
    Source:  Joel Osteen Ministries/

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