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Home » I Don’t Know What Else To Do – Steven Furtick

I Don’t Know What Else To Do – Steven Furtick

    I Don’t Know What Else To Do Steven Furtick sermon : The first thing the devil will do when he wants to end you is to make sure he catches you alone. His attack wont come in the church, it will be when you are not on guard, that will be when the fears come, it will come when you have no one to stop you from making mistakes.

    Even though you do everything right in life you will still face opposition, the devil will still tempt you, you will be in situations where you have to fight battles you did not expect to fight, this opposition could be your inner person.

    When situations like this arise in our lives,  we would have to return to our creator, the one who sent us to earth and knows our purpose, for he has the right answers. He will always say the words that will soothe the situation. Reconnect with your creator and watch your life get organised.

    Your greatest opportunity is in the place of your greatest opposition, if it were not hard, it will not be worth fighting for neither will it be worth surviving for. go back to the place of your responsibility. The reason God lets us run out of strength is so that we would come to a place of surrender and dependence, then we will realise that we were not meant to do this alone, struggle alone or do anything at all alone, we are to depend on our maker.


    1ST KINGS 19 VS 1O-19


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