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    HOLLY FURTICK SERMON DO NOT BE AFRAID :  The wife of Steven Furtick and the senior pastor of Elevation church in the person of Pastor Holly Furtick has come through with this wonderful sermon titled ”Don’t be afraid”.

    In this message, Holly Furtick says, Even when God speaks to correct us, he does it as a loving father not a condemning judge. An angel of the lord appeared to them and the glory of the lord shone around them and they were terrified but the angel said to them do not be afraid I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.

    Today in the town of David, a saviour has been born to you, he is the messiah, the lord, are you ready for this here’s number two, God has good things to say to you don’t be afraid i bring you good news.

    I grew up in church in fact, I would challenge anyone who is in this room or watching online today that I have spent more time in church than you, some of you heard me say this before but my dad was a pastor my whole life, I rarely missed a Sunday or a Wednesday church in fact, the same is kind of true for my kids, Abby has strep throat she’s backstage right now watching but then when I was in high school my parents joined this traveling revival ministry where we held services almost every night and then I went to a Christian college and then as you know I married a pastor and I’m so grateful for the foundation that my parents gave me in my faith, it made me the person that I am today but somewhere along the lines, I spent a lot of my teen years and my young adult life missing what it means to actually have a relationship with Christ because I thought that most of the time when God speaks to you it’s because you have broken a rule.

    In fact I remember a Sunday school lesson where we memorised numbers 32-23, this is what it says behold you have sinned against the lord and be sure your sin will find you out, I still remember it and oftentimes when I would think about my relationship with God, I would think about the things that I’m not supposed to do as a believer in Christ and i would imagine that when God would speak to me it would be about something that I needed to stop doing.

    Sometimes when God speaks to us, it is to correct us, sometimes it is to direct us or redirect us or stop us from doing something really dumb and when God speaks these things to us, like be kinder to your spouse, be honest in your schoolwork, be faithful in your job, it can be really hard to receive, nobody wants to hear hey you need to change this, but that is a part of having a relationship with God.

    Jesus came so that you and I do not have to be afraid of God, even when God speaks to correct us, he does it as a loving father not a condemning judge, I read a quote this week that said all fear is the notion that God’s love ends and I want to tell you today don’t be afraid of what your loving father wants to speak to you today.

    Pastor Holly Furtick says, first john 4:18 says, there is no fear in love because perfect love drives out fear, fear has to do with punishment and Jesus did not come to earth to punish us, he came to earth to save us he came to earth to atone for our sins not to condemn us.

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