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Home » Where does the USA fit in End-time Prophesy? See David Jeremiah’s answer

Where does the USA fit in End-time Prophesy? See David Jeremiah’s answer

    End Time Prophesy David Jeremiah: The senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, the founder of Turning Point Ministry and the husband of Donna Jeremiah, Dr. David Jeremiah has for sometime now been giving opportunities to Christians to ask any religious question of their interest and have them asnwered particularly on the Bible provisions on them. Consequent upon this, a lot of people have been coming up with several questions and have been getting a faith building and spirit lifting answers. Recently a question came regarding the position of the USA in the end-time prophesy. This question came up as a result of rising immorality worldwide.

    Speaking on this question regarding the stand of USA in the end time, Dr. David Jeremiah took to instagram to write :

    You asked and Dr. Jeremiah answered!

    We took some of the most popular questions you asked earlier this month about prophecy and will be sharing Dr. Jeremiah’s answers throughout the next few weeks.

    This first question is from Deborah on Instagram:

    “Where does the USA fit in end-time prophecy?”

    Dr. Jeremiah answered:

    Though Scripture makes no mention of the United States, it seems that God has had a plan for this nation in redemptive history. Our country has not been perfect, but its blessings are undeniable.

    Proverbs 14:34 says, “Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people”. America’s future will depend on how closely it follows this blueprint for success.

    For the full answer, check out our blog post, “Where Does the USA fit in End-Time Prophecy?” on the This Could be the Day site or our link in our Q&A Highlights!

    End Time Prophesy David Jeremiah

    According to Dr David Jeremiah in his article on ”where does the USA fit in the end time prophesy:

    For many, Scripture’s silence about America raises serious concerns. It is worth noting that a host of other world powers do not appear in the Bible either. The only modern nations cited in prophecy date back to antiquity—Syria, Israel, Persia, and the like.

    That aside, theories about America’s absence from prophecy abound. Based on the cultural and historical connections between the United States and Europe, some have speculated that the U.S. will become part of a revived Roman Empire (Daniel 2:41-43). Others have suggested that invaders or another outside force will weaken America. One theory surmises that America might not play a significant role in end-time events because it will lose so many Christians in the Rapture—I hope they are right! Others worry that America will crumble from the inside due to moral decay.

    America’s Providential History

    Over the years, America’s wealth, technology, and scientific advancements have surpassed all previous civilizations. I believe our nation has enjoyed God’s blessing because many of the Pilgrims and our Founding Fathers sought the counsel of God’s Word as they forged our national identity (Psalm 33:12). Drawing from this heritage, the United States has propelled world missions, befriended the Jewish people, and promoted liberty and justice.

    America’s identity is bound up in its faith.

    Critics of Christianity can try to rewrite our nation’s heritage, but they will fail. America’s identity is bound up in its faith.

    If we allow this foundation to erode, it will come at a steep cost. The history of world powers like Babylon, Greece, and Rome suggests that the greatest threats to America’s future lie within. Previous empires have followed a lifecycle something like this: they moved out of bondage to spiritual faith; from faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; and from dependence back to bondage.1 It is not hard to trace America’s history on that path. I would say we have passed the midpoint and are somewhere in the second half of that cycle—barring a change in course.

    3 Reasons God Could Turn His Back on America

    Our nation can expect a markedly different future if it exchanges the pursuit of godliness for worthless things like apathy, immorality, and greed. The Bible warns of three national sins that result in God turning His back on a nation.

    1. Ingratitude

    According to the book of Judges, Israel cycled through rebellion, retribution, repentance, and restoration thirteen times. Later, the prophet Jeremiah reminded the people of how close they had been to the Lord when the nation was established (Jeremiah 2:1-2). He warned that their callousness would incur God’s judgment, and it did. If America hopes to enjoy God’s continued blessing, it will do well to heed Jeremiah’s warning with a grateful heart.

    If America hopes to enjoy God’s continued blessing, it will do well to heed Jeremiah’s warning with a grateful heart.

    2. Idolatry

    In Jeremiah 2:5, the Lord gave a cutting assessment of Israel: “What fault did your ancestors find in me, that they strayed so far from me? They followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves” (NIV). He could ask the same question of America. Why has the most blessed nation on earth turned its back on God in favor of self-interest? Chaos, factions, and economic struggles have replaced God’s peace and provision because we have pushed Him from the public square to the periphery of our nation’s life.

    Even the Church in America has allowed the culture to dictate how it expresses its faith. As a result, the Church is losing its relevance. Christ calls us “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14), but He has also warned that He will remove our lampstand—our influence—if we stray from Him and do not repent (Revelation 2:4-5). Our mandate for righteous living comes from the Word of God, not the world.

    Our mandate for righteous living comes from the Word of God, not the world.

    3. Indifference

    How did Israel respond to God’s assessment? According to Jeremiah 2:6, they did not even bother to ask, “Where is the Lord?” Awash in the riches of God’s abundance, they assumed He would continue to grant them favor no matter what they did. Contemporary Christianity reflects similar attitudes. Believers often form closer friendships with the world than with God, and they seek out preachers who offer empty words of hope that are powerless to transform lives and save souls. The solution is to make good on our confession of faith, to “let steadfastness have its full effect, that [we] may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:4, ESV).

    What Does the Future Hold for America?

    Though Scripture makes no mention of the United States, it seems that God has had a plan for this nation in redemptive history. Our country has not been perfect, but its blessings are undeniable. Proverbs 14:34 says, “Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (NLT). America’s future will depend on how closely it follows this blueprint for success.

    Although we cannot know the prophetic future of America, each of us can make a difference by choosing to obey God today.

    Source :

    Theme: End Time Prophesy David Jeremiah

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