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Stay The Course | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Sheets

    Dutch Sheets Give Him 15 youtube today : In this unsettling time, it id important that we stay the course. we are on a holy mission and we must not be distracted by the chaos. we are writing history and it requires diligence to ensure it is the kind of  history the holy spirit wants. we are an extra people for this time. If we persevere Haman will fail.

    Do not abort the mission of God, what is ahead might make you feel like you need to abort the mission, but the lord says, we should believe in the love he has for us, his love will carry us through unscathed if we can stay on the course. It is dangerous to go off the course because Gods love, peace and grace is on the course.

    Do not focus on what you see in front of you these days, in our individual lives we may feel the need to runaway, we may feel like everything is falling apart, God is asking us to push through because when we come out on the other side, we will be happy that we did not give up, we will see the power of God.

    God’s movement have already been set in place, he has already made plans to destroy the works of the enemy, but we have to stay the course in our lives to witness God’s greatness power and love for us. do not get focused on what the enemy is doing in front of you, stay the cause, when it feels there is no way out submit your mind to God and  he will take you through the cause all you need to do is believe in the love that God has for us, the love of God is the jet that will encompass us through the trials and unfolding chaos.



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