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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon : The Decision That Can Save Your Life

Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon : The Decision That Can Save Your Life

    Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon The Decision That Can Save Your Life : The founder of Turning Point Ministry . senior pastor of Shadow mountain Community Church and husband of Donna Jeremiah, Dr. David Jeremiah has come through with this wonderful message titled ”the decision that can save yoiur life” released today 8 April 2022.

    In this sermon, Dr. David Jeremiah started by saying that when you take a step in God’s direction, when God tells you what to do and do it, at the end of it, he will demonstrate his love in your life. And ultimately, you will love the will of God.

    Within its revelations of the future and eternity, God’s Word provides a vital message for us today. Dr. Jeremiah helps us discover the most important decision of all.

    I never believed I would see the day when the bible was marginalized than our culture by our government and but more tragic than all, in our churches.

    Romans 12: 1-2 says, And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    We should learn to leave in the way of God and never allow ourselves to be conformed to the things of this world.

    Watch, Listen and learn from this sermon by Dr. David Jeremiah and stay tuned as we keep updating you with latest sermons by pastors around the world.