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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes – Joseph’s Tears

Bishop T.D. Jakes – Joseph’s Tears

    Bishop T.D. Jakes Joseph’s Tears :  TD Jakes Ministries shares this inspiring sermon by Bishop TD Jakes titled ”Joseph’s Tears”.

    This is an intereting and motivating sermon by Bishop TD Jakes worth being watched and listen to.

    Preaching on this life changing sermon, Bishop TD Jakes who is the founder of Potter’s House Church Dallas and TD Jakes Ministries, asked, Is your love stronger than your memory?

    Bishop Jakes further said that In Genesis 45, Joseph’s dream is finally realized. He went from the prison to the palace, but it didn’t come through a straight line. Yet after years of betrayal, hardship, and loneliness, Joseph held on to his stubborn love for family. You see, he was the lover God was counting on. Even when his brothers did him wrong, Joseph only knew how to respond with a radical love offering. He kept his better angels at his side throughout the journey. But what about you? When you finally get the upper hand, will it be revenge or reconciliation you reach for?

    Kindly watch/listen, meditate on , learn from this Pastor Joel Osteen sermon and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart, grant you all your heart desires and give you the grace to live in accordance with his words.

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    Watch Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon ”Joseph’s Tears”

    Video credit : TD Jakes Youtube


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