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Bishop Dale Bronner Sunday Sermon: The Great Escape

    Bishop Dale Bronner Sunday Sermon The Great Escape –  Bishop Dale Bronner of Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral (Woffamily) has come up up with  this inspiring  Sunday sermon  titled “The Great Escape” .

    Bishop Dale Bronner who has remained relentless and devoted in his soul winning for Christ has ceased every little opportunity he has to spread the gospel of Christ through daily inspiring and educative sermons, daily devotional and Live Sunday services .

    The senior pastor and founder of Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral (Woffamily) in this sermon started this sermon with the story of Peter in the prison.  Peter was kept in prison but the Church was earnestly praying to God for him and the night before Herod was to bring him to trial Peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and sentries stood guard at the entrance and suddenly an angel of the lord appeared in a light shone in the cell and he struck Peter on the side and woke him up.

    Chains fell off Peter’s wrists and then the angels said to him put on your clothes and sandals and Peter did, wrap your cloak around yourself and follow me. Peter however had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening as he thought he was seeing a vision and they passed the first and the second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city and it opened for them by itself and they went through it. The story of how God sent his Angel to set Peter free from the prison goes a long way to prove what is contained in the book of Mathew, that with God all things are possible.

    It therefore means that in any situation we find ourselves, we should endeavor to have absolute confidence in God our father. He can do anything he wants to do. He is the most powerful God, the God of miracles, the God of wonders. Faith is one thing that moves God to act. Recall the story of Daniel in the lions den. God saved and preserved Daniel who was thrown into the Lions den to be devoured. Recall also the story of ShadrachMeshach and Abednego, how God preserved then in the fire they were thrown into.

    Listen and Watch this Sunday sermon by Bishop Dale Bronner: “The Great Escape” and stay tuned with Allpastors sermon site as we bring you the latest sermons, daily devotionals, messages from famous preachers and live Sunday services from Pastors around the world.

    Credit: Woffamily YouTube /


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