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Bill Johnson Podcast – God is Good

    Bill Johnson Podcast – God is Good 

    “God is good” is more than a positive thought or a theological concept. What you do with these three words defines your reality and determines your destiny.

    The whole earth is filled with the goodness of the Lord. When assurance of God’s goodness is the cornerstone of our theology, it defines everything else and shapes who we are and how we do life. Seeing His goodness changes our countenance.

    Seeing His goodness assures us that no matter what’s happening, it is going to turn out for His glory and our strength. This core value frees us from questioning “why” and positions us instead to be part of the answer. Jesus always had a redemptive solution.

    Jesus came to reveal the Father to an orphaned planet; the Father’s love is the primary revelation He came to bring. Now we have the privilege of representing God’s goodness through our own example. We get to bring this revelation of the Father’s heart in a way that is tangible, so that people can taste and see and experience a God who is good.

    More than just positive thinking, recognizing His goodness connects us to the eternal heart of God’s love for us. If your belief that God is good is the primary lens through which you see life, you’ll always have hope, and you’ll always be encouraged.

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