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Andrew Wommack Daily Devotional March 8 2023.

    The theme for Andrew Wommack Daily Devotional March 8 2023 is ”Taking Thoughts – Or Not”

    Here is today’s Andrew Wommack daily devotional designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Andrew Wommack, meditate on the word of God and endeavour to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

    READ Andrew Wommack Daily Devotional March 8 2023.

    SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:31, ‘Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

    The Greek word used here for ‘thought’ is ‘merimnao’ and denotes ‘to be anxious or careful’. In this passage, as well as the parallel passage in Luke 12:22-32, Jesus is commanding us not to worry or be anxious about our material needs being met. It would be impossible to have no thought whatsoever about our physical needs. Even Jesus thought about His need for money to pay taxes (Mt. 17:24-27). We are simply not to be preoccupied with thinking about riches or spending our time worrying about necessities. These things will be added unto us as we seek first the Kingdom of God.

    The way we take or receive an anxious thought is by speaking it. Doubtful thoughts will come, but we do not sin until we entertain them. According to this verse, speaking forth these thoughts is one way of entertaining them; therefore, don’t speak forth these negative thoughts.

    It is imperative that we watch the words we say. Begin to speak words in faith that line up with God’s Word, then positive results will follow. If we speak words of doubt, we will eventually believe them and have the negative things that these words produce. There are no such things as ‘idle’ words which will not work for or against us. Death or life is in the power of every word we speak (Prov. 18:21). Our words can be our most powerful weapon against the devil, or they can become a snare of the devil (Prov. 6:2).

    Today watch your words. Speak only things that will express your faith, trust, and confidence in the Lord and not your fear about the situations you face.


    Thank you for reading Andrew Wommack daily devotional March 8 2023 written by Pastor Andrew Wommack and shared by Andrew Wommack ministries. Please endeavour to share with others


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